- 1976 - B.F.A. - Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, Pa.
- 1979 - M.F.A. - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn.
- 2023 - New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Drawing
- 2019 - Pollock-Krasner Fellowship
- 2014 - New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Drawing
- 2012 - Pollock-Krasner Fellowship
- 2010 - Museum of Arts and Design Open Studio (AIR) Residency
- 2003 - Gottlieb Foundation Grant
- 1999 - Pollock-Krasner Fellowship
- 1985 - New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Crafts
- 1983 - New York State Artist-in-Residence at the N.Y. Experimental Glass Workshop, NYC
- 1979-80 - Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, Venice, Italy
Solo Exhibitions:
- 2022 - "Lies & Redactions: A Survey", Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- 2020 - "Presence 2.0", Garrison Art Center, Garrison, N.Y.
- 2018 - "Presence", Woodstock Art Museum (WAAM)
- 2014 - "Douglas Navarra" , Art Miami, Sandra Gering Gallery, NYC
- 2013 - "Marking Time" - Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 2013 - "New Work", AKAR Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa
- 2010 - "Telegram Drawings", Locust Grove Estate of Samuel Morse, Poughkeepsie, NY
- 2009 - "Marking Time", Recent Drawings, OK Harris Gallery, NYC, NY
- 2007 - "New Work" – Illinois Central College, Performing Arts Gallery, East Peroria, Illinois
- 2006 - "Marking Time", Recent Drawings, Gilles Gallery, Eastern Kentucky University
- 2005 - "Marking Time", Recent Drawings, Radford University, Virginia
- 1992 - "Douglas Navarra" - Recent Sculpture, The Robert Lehman Gallery, Urban Glass Workshop, Brooklyn, N.Y.
- 1986 - "Douglas Navarra", New Work Exhibition, Oktabec Gallery, Los Angeles, California
- 1983 - "Douglas Navarra", New Work, Oktabec Gallery, Los Angeles, California
- 1979 - Masters Thesis Exhibition, "Douglas Navarra", Coffman Memorial Union, Univ of Mn.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
- "Blackout", Ashton Gallery @ Art on 30th, 4434 30th Street, San Diego, CA
- "Ordinary Alchemy", Three-Person Exhibition, Xuewu Zheng, Doug Navarra, Hayoon Jay Lee, at Brydcliffe Guild Kleinert/James Gallery, Woodstock, NY
- "Polymerization", Group Exhibition at The Barrett House Gallery, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
- "Exit", Group Exhibition at Art Centro, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
- "Strictly Functional" Pottery National, Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, PA
- "Clay Bash", Hunterdon Art Museum National Triennial Ceramics Exhibition, Clinton, NJ
- "Drawing Discourse", 14th National Contemporary Drawing Exhibition, University of North Carolina, Ashville, NC
- "These Days", Byrdcliffe Guild, Kleinert/James Gallery, Woodstock, NY
- The 36th Annual McNeese National Works on Paper, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA
- "Another Circle", Kleinert James Gallery, Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock, NY
- "TIME", The BAU Gallery, Beacon, NY
- "Meltdown", group exhibition, Jessica Hagen Fine Art, Newport, Rhode Island
- "On the Surface" - Brattleboro Art Museum, Brattleboro, MA
- "New Folk", Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz, NY
- Words: Text in Art, Collective Gallery, Woodstock, N.Y.
- NXNE, Brattleboro Museum of Art, Brattleboro, Vermont
- The Living Mark 6, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, Oregon
- Strictly Functional 2019 - National Exhibition of Utilitarian Ceramics, Market House Craft Center, Lancaster, Pa
- 'Clay Cubed National' - Clay Space Gallery, Lisle, Illinois
- Craft Forms 2019 - Wayne Art Center, Wayne, Pa
- "Bye, Bye, Winter Blues", Jessica Hagen Fine Art, Newport, Rhode Island
- "Flower Power", Jessica Hagen Fine Art, Newport, Rhode Island
- 17th Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Competition, Nippon Gallery, NYC
- Strictly Functional 2018 - National Exhibition of Utilitarian Ceramics, Market House Craft Center, Lancaster, PA
- Artists as Innovators, 25 NYFA recipients, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY
- Fight or Flight - The Painting Center, N.Y.C., NY
- Drawing Sound - Kleinert Art Gallery, Woodstock/Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock, NY
- Strictly Functional 2017 - National Jury of Utilitarian Ceramics, Market House Craft Center, Lancaster, Pa.
- "Far and Wide", 8th Annual Exhibition, Woodstock Art Museum (Spanier Award), Woodstock, N.Y.
- "Shimmering Substance: Selections from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grantees of the Hudson Valley", Kleinert/James Gallery at the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock,N.Y
- "16th Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Competition", Nippon Gallery, NYC
- "Honorable Mention Award"
- "San Angelo National Ceramic Exhibition", San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo Texas (Catalog)
- Laws of Nature / Dreams of Man - Marta Hewitt Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio
- "Chronoscape" - Kingston Museum of Contemporary Art, Kingston, N.Y.
- "5th Annual Clay National", Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton, Virginia
- "Working It Out" - The Painting Center, NYC, NY.
- "2013 Biennial" - Red Lodge Clay Art Center, Montana
- "Yunomi 2013", AKAR Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa
- "Thirteenth Annual 5 x 7 Show", Kleinert/James Gallery at the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock, NY
- "Yunomi 2012", AKAR Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa
- "Thinking Big" - Recent Acquisitions in the Collection of the Brooklyn Museum
- "Yunomi 2011", AKAR Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa
- "Passionate Fire" Ceramics at Hudson Beech Gallery, Beacon, NY
- Open Studios - Museum of Arts and Design, NYC, NY
- "Mid Atlantic Juried" , Hoyt Institute Fine Arts, Pa. (Award)
- LaGrange National XXIV - Chattahoochee Valley Art Museum, LaGrange, Ga. (Honorable Mention)
- "Poetic Images" - Western Oregon University, Campbell Hall Gallery, Monmouth, Oregon
- "On / Of Paper" - Kirkland Art Center, Clinton, N.Y.
- "7th Shippensburg University National Exhibition", Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
- "The 39th Juried Exhibition", The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York
- Positive/Negative 20, Slocumb Galleries, E.Tennessee State Univ.
- "Combined Talents", Florida State University Museum, Florida
- American Drawing Biennial 8, Muscarelle Museum of Art, College William & Mary, Williamsburg,Virginia
- "Mark the Line", Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, La
- "Black, White, & Read All Over", Drawings, Impact Art Gallery, Tri-Main Center, Buffalo, N.Y.
- "Contemporary Drawing 04", Ruskin Mill, Old Bristol Rd. Nailsworth, United Kingdom
- 2004 - "Interplay" - Katherine E. Nash Gallery, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn.
- Small Works Invitational - Soho 20 Art Gallery, N.Y.C. New York
- Longbeach National Drawing Exhibition, Longbeach, Ca
- "Literarcy" , Provo City Library at Academy Sq, Provo, Utah
- "Juried Exhibition", Soho 20 Art Gallery, N.Y.C. New York
- "Geometry's", The Hudson Opera House, Hudson, N.Y.
- "4th Annual" - Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, Pa.
- Works from "Selected Artists", The Drawing Center, N.Y.C.
- "The Florida National", Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla.
- "The 29th Annual Juried Competition", Masur Museum of Art, Monroe, Louisiana
- "National Drawing 2002", College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey
- "The Mark", Hera Gallery, Hera Educational Foundation, Providence, R.I.
- "Americas 2000 Paperworks", Northwest Art Center, Minot State Univ, N. Dakota
- "Pieces", Gallery 128, Rivington St, NYC
- "Positive/Negative 17", (Award) Slocumb Galleries, E. Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tn
- "Marking Time", Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts, Fredericksburg, Virginia
- "Valdosta National 2002", (Hon. Mention) Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia
- "11th National Exhibition", Northern Colorado Artists Assoc, Fort Collins, Colorado
- "Works on Paper", LSU Union Art Gallery, Louisiana State Univ, Baton Rouge, La.
- "Drawing The New Millennium", Maine Artists Space, Portland, Maine (Purchase Award)
- "Thirty-Seventh Juried Exhibition", Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY
- "Bold Expressions", Northern California Arts Inc, Carmichael, Ca. (Award of Excellence)
- "October International" Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, Florida
- "Great Plains National VI", Moss-Thorns Gallery, Fort Hayes State University, Kansas
- "Valdosta National Works on Paper XII", Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia
- "34th National Drawings and Sculpture", Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas
- "Marks on Paper 2000", St. Louis Artist Guild, St. Louis, Mo.
- "Watermark 2000", Southeastern Community College, Whiteville, North Carolina (Honorable Mention)
- "16th National", Berkley Art Center, Berkley California, (AWARD)
- "9th Scene/Unseen", Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico
- "Memories of Murano - American Glass Artists in Venice", American Craft Museum, NYC, NY
- "Positive/Negative 14", Slocumb Galleries, E. Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tn.
- 17th September Competition", Alexandria Museum, Alexandria, La.
- "Works on Paper 99", Kirkland Fine Arts Center, Milliken University, Decatur, Ill.
- "Selections 98", The Drawing Center, New York City, NY
- "The Centennial", Parrish Art Museum Southampton, NY
- "Works on Paper", Berkshire Art Museum, Stockbridge, Ma.
- "Thunder & Lightning", Salisbury State College, Maryland, sponsored by Art Calendar
- "6th Scene/Unseen", Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico (Hon. Mention)
- "Greed", Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, Ca.
- "B.A.C.A – Four Italian-Americans", Brooklyn Arts Council, Brooklyn, NY
- "Works on Paper VII", Shepherd State College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia
- "Pier Show #6", Brooklyn Artist Waterfront Coalition, Redhook, Brooklyn, NY
- "The Independents Biennial". Charas/El Bohio, NYC, NY
- "The Box Show", K & E Gallery, NYC, NY
- "Salon", Organization of Independent Artists (OIA), NYC, NY
- "People, Places, & Things", Marymount Manhattan Galleries, NYC, NY
- "Salon of the Spiders", Herron Test Site, Brooklyn, NY
- "Affiliated Artists", Urban Glass Center, Brooklyn, NY
- "Heckscher Museum of Art Juried Invitational", Huntington, NY
- "Hudson River Museum Juried Invitational", Yonkers, NY
- "Invitational", Society for Arts in Crafts, Pittsburgh, Pa
- "Affiliated Artists of the New York Experimental Glass Workshop", NYC, NY
- "New American Glass Focus 2", Huntington Art Museum, Huntington, West Virginia
- "Introduction to the NY Experimental Glass Workshop", May 1-31, 1986, Meredith Gallery, Baltimore, Md.
- "Translucid", Washington Square Partnership, Washington, DC
- "Glass America", Heller Gallery, NYC, NY
- "Rutgers National Works on Paper", (Purchase Award), Rutgers University, Camden, NJ
- "Six Directions in Glass", Heller Gallery, NYC, NY
- "Summit Annual", Summit, NJ
- "Heckscher Museum of Art Juried Invitational", Huntington, NY
- "Explorations in Glass", The Craftsman's Gallery, Scarsdale, NY
- "Americans in Glass", Tour thru 1984, Cooper-Hewitt Museum NYC, NY. & The Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wi. & Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, Ill.
- "Small Works", New York University, NYC, NY
- "Fulbright-Hays Fellows", Galleria Nuovo Carpine, Rome Italy
- "The Marietta College Crafts National", Marietta, Ohio
- "Beaux Arts Designer Craftsman", Columbus Museum of Art, (Media Award), Columbus, Ohio
- "Minnesota Crafts", Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, Minnesota
- "16 of Minnesota's Hottest Glass Artists" , Forecast Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
- The Greater Fall River Annual National Art Exhibition, (Honorable Mention), Fall River, Ma.
- "Fragile Glass" Invitational, Glass Masters Guild, Ave. of the Americas, NYC, NY
- "Clay From Molds", John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
- "Pilchuck Invitational" Glass Exhibition, Traver Gallery, Seattle, Washington
- Solo Exhibition, Coffman Memorial Union Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn.
- "37th Annual Cedar City National Exhibition", Braithwaithe Fine Arts Gallery, Cedar City, Utah
- "Glass Invitational", University of Wisconsin at River Falls, Wisconsin
- "NCECA Invitational", National Council for Education Ceramic Arts, Univ Illinois, Champaign, Ill.
- "Northern Lights", Midwest Regional, Lakewood Community College, White Bear Lake, Mn.
- Group Glass Exhibition, The Minneapolis Jewish Community Center, St. Louis Park, Mn.
- "Minnesota Crafts Council" Invitational, College of St Catherine, St Paul, Minnesota
- "1001 Lakes Art Exhibition", Grad School Group Exhibition, West Bank Union Gallery, Univ Mn.
- "El Paso Designer Craftsman", (First Place Award), El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas
- "Objects '77", Grand Junction, Colorado
- "Midwest Craft Competition", Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Mn.
- "Blown Glass I - The Drinking Vessel", a National Exhibition, Evanston, Ill.
- "Fragile Glass", Sponsored by Glass Magazine, Portland, Or.
- "The Mississippi River Craft Exhibition", Memphis, Tn.
- "Minnesota Crafts Council", College of St Catherine, St Paul, Minnesota
- "Sky Art '77", Sky Art Gallery, Normandale Community College, Edina, Minnesota
- "Minnesota State Craft Competition", Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Mn.
- "Mississippi Mud Invitational", Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Graduate Review Exhibition, Nash Galleries, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn.
- "Contemporary Art Glass '76", Lever House Galleries, NYC, NY
- "Contemporary Glass", Northeast Regional, Peter's Valley Craftsman, Layton, NJ
- "Earth's Oldest Materials", Walnut Street Gallery, Philadelphia, Pa.
- "Four City Colleges" Art Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, Pa
- "19th Annual Contemporary Crafts Exhibition". Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware
- "Craft Art III", Langman Gallery, Jenkintown, Pa.
- Maine Artists' Space - The Danforth Collection
- Los Angeles County Art Museum
- Museum of Arts and Design, N.Y.C.
- Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, Michigan
- Rutgers University, Camden, NJ
- Washington Square Partnership, Washington, D.C.
- The Brooklyn Museum
- The Children's Hospital, Loc. T Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio